Tuesday 24 September 2013


Children problem solving

I placed the Tangrams in my Math (and Science discovery) learning centre last two weeks.  
I get my children to manipulate with them as I facilitate them during the learning centre time (earlier today in school.) 
I am amazed; they actually figured out to complete the Tangrams accordingly 
in a short period of time!

Back at Seed Institute:

CRITICAL THINKING.  I think creative critical thinking sounds better. 
 So, CREATIVE CRITICAL THINKING for Day two EDU 330 Elementary Mathematics.
'Learning is more than the acquisition of the ability to think; it is the acquisition of many specialised abilities for thinking about a variety of things."
Lev Vygotsky

To lead the child to right path, we need to teach the child the right way.  Hence, here is the methods of teaching;

One, Modelling; explaining is not a good instructional method.

Two, Scaffolding, I do, you do, we do; "Scaffolding is …of instructional process which works in a task-sharing situation between the teacher and the student.”

Three, Independent; “The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."”-Maria Montessori.


7, SEVEN, 7, SEVEN,7.....
7 blah, seven blah, 7 blah, seven blah...

Tough calculation. 
Then again, the fundamental in Maths; we cannot count things that has different nouns.

Rationale counting

Rational counting refers to a child's ability to assign a number to the objects she is counting. As she counts a set of objects, the child must understand that the last number is equivalent to the total number of items in the set. Rational counting requires a mastery of rote counting and one-to-one correspondence.

One, To be able to count, you need to classify.
Two, Rote counting comes first before to be able to rationale counting (Counting by rote is a skill that come quite naturally to most children)
Three, One-to-one correspondence.
Four, Cardinal number (to appreciate the last number represent  the size of object.)


In very young children, right-brain dominancy gives the ability to "subitize" large quantities. Wikipedia defines subitizing as a "rapid, accurate and confident judgment of number." This is something we can all do up to a small number of items - usually around 4 or 5. After that, we are either guessing or counting.



The music video from Debbie and Friends could be a good tuning in or introduction for the children to start off a good mathematics lesson.  Of course, the video must be related to what we are going to bring in for Math lesson. 

Kidney beans
Countdown by 1 or 2 to get ZERO!
Subtracting and we figured out the bad numbers;  multiples of 3 and 4.


Cardinal: how many
Cardinal is counting.

   Ordinal: position
Ordinal says what order things are in.

Nominal: name
Nominal is a Name. 

It is good to expose children with 10 frame.  Counting, sorting, dividing, subtracting, one-to-one correspondence...
Make 10 method
5 +7 +6= 18
/  \
5  1

 Let's divide!
What if there are 51 beans that needs to be divided between Jack, Jill and Mother?  How many does each has?  How many ways can you divide the 51 beans?
51  /  3  =  17
/    \
30  21
After so many years, I have found the easiest way to divide!

Hands- on on Day 1,
Creative critical thinking on Day 2,
Day 3, here I come!

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